This coffee is processed by Wildan Mustofa and his wife Atieq, at their wet mill at Frinsa Estate.
Wildan Mustofa and his wife, Atieq Mustikaningtyas, embarked on their first coffee project in the Sindangkerta, Weninggalih area back in 2010, which eventually evolved into Java Frinsa Estate. Their commitment to quality set them apart, as they focused on fully washed coffees while most Indonesian producers opted for wet-hulled methods, even within the specialty coffee market.
Frinsa Estate is situated in West Java, known locally as Sunda. With a wet mill, well-ventilated storage space, and dry mill, all located at an altitude of 1400 masl, they have complete control over their product, from harvest to grading, sorting, and shipment.
These cherries were anaerobically fermented with Lactobacillus for 72 hours at Frinsa Estate, in West Java.
Edun is Bahasa for "crazy" (referring to a person, event, or object, in a positive way). It promises lots of funk, anaerobic, crazy flavours.